#cnr @ IRCtl stats by tropp

Statistics generated on Sunday 8 September 2024 - 23:00:21
During this 2607-day reporting period, a total of 2897 different nicks were represented on #cnr.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 bmuk294647158832467677215425 days ago"bro ur president is orange"
2 Jayince27511518232238719103871238 days ago"stop bothering admins with your bullshit"
3 Muti223127435135026331089412 days ago"meanwhile in my browser it's some vice video"
4 Chivo146486769414335991557 days ago"[Server 1] 24 players : Las Venturas : Sunday 14:00"
5 Marcus_Reed1364040251351319350711598 days ago"I'll send you and your VPNs to null route."
6 Skeeter108155572298136435811135 days ago"lol... its ok.. it was nobody!"
7 Perish10445411334992620255 days ago"I was thinking it was either my see through tits or candyass"
8 Titty101033183210298438342194 days ago"server is full of cheaters"
9 John087797321881465918401352390 days ago"RAM: Used: 3253/32682MB (9% Load)"
10 Kyle92642082296340501259 days ago"he said it was irc.tl bday and he saved me cake"
11 banana_ghost91093313232810232445919 days ago"everything non essential is shut down here"
12 CrazyDriver89233359121414892861919 days ago"I use mIRC for my IRC Sessions"
13 Aizaz_Khan86385202262342924271041 days ago"The individual stats can't be opened without Pulaski :("
14 ThaBox85242642632137238781963 days ago"$tell Muti why is he so violent lol"
15 Lucas22318449297728694312172553 days ago"Shit Bob bought the wrong ones I guess"
16 Assasssin7886285847582180 days ago"we're here on irc, we arent in game"
17 tropp755057393323993645today"i didnt know that one by the way"
18 Bozi632033612224757today"i've got a large trout for dinner and it's so good"
19 dugi6257423769213629291125 days ago"Coronavirus Is A Free Trial To Communism"
20 leashed588029102812476 days ago"all i did is like some JPs today showing off"
21 Kerk58352039208960011071389 days ago"Don't make me kill somebody."
22 Zofian58301331211114359531288 days ago"Praetorium is a meme in the xiv community"
23 P2H573313321136157616891927 days ago"I can't find it on my client"
24 MessedUpSmiley53805593561703276230 days ago"He just doesn´t know what to say sometimes I think"
25 AffE5128188315208425411564 days ago"and as a new admin, i tell you to DM Jayince"

These didn't make it to the top:
IgLi17 (5033) General_Price (4308) Octavia (4255) MelonHammer (4160) Rarity (3727)
Harry_Thomson (3691) XxXs (3577) Core4405 (3232) Gamer9 (2954) Webghost (2694)
navi (2558) EvgeniZ (2514) ciyber (2475) everything (2419) HellFire (2358)
Blistify (2307) Tony_Solar (2277) Disco (2219) K0ed (1806) Eveready (1780)
daria (1729) MaDoO (1585) KKrano (1508) kesshx (1491) cristiedge (1483)
MonTaNaAa (1370) Donald (1361) Harmon_ (1326) Rashon (1264) Buddy (1211)

By the way, there were 2842 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Muti - 7435 bmuk - 8324 Jayince - 8719 Muti - 10894
2 bmuk - 7158 John0877 - 4659 bmuk - 6767 Jayince - 10387
3 Chivo - 6769 Chivo - 4143 Aizaz_Khan - 3429 bmuk - 7215
4 Skeeter - 5572 Perish - 3499 Marcus_Reed - 3193 Marcus_Reed - 5071
5 Jayince - 5182 Jayince - 3223 Kyle - 2963 Assasssin - 4758
6 Perish - 4113 XxXs - 2888 Muti - 2633 Bozi - 4757
7 Marcus_Reed - 4025 Lucas2231 - 2869 Perish - 2620 Kyle - 4050
8 CrazyDriver - 3359 banana_ghost - 2328 tropp - 2399 ThaBox - 3878
9 banana_ghost - 3313 Aizaz_Khan - 2262 dugi - 2136 Titty - 3834
10 Titty - 3183 Zofian - 2111 IgLi17 - 2128 tropp - 3645

Big numbers
Is Hamchilla stupid or just asking too many questions? 38.9% lines contained a question!
RenaTo didn't know that much either. 27.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was loki, who yelled 61.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was [GaZa]KemO, who shouted 47.8% of the time!
It seems that Neophyte94_Lapt's shift-key is hanging: 20.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Neophyte94_Lapt> LOL! (10-101)

[PH]Mort just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 12.5% of the time.
Jayince is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 780 times.
For example, like this:
     * Jayince slaps Muti around a bit with a large (censored).

bmuk can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 645 times.
Poor bmuk, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1010 times.
For example, like this:
     * banana_ghost slaps bmuk around a bit with a large trout

Muti seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 544 times.
tropp brings happiness to the world. 14.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
HuGoBoSs isn't a sad person either, smiling 12.3% of the time.
_diss_you_ seems to be sad at the moment: 8.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
Akiza is also a sad person, crying 8.1% of the time.
Titty wrote the longest lines, averaging 58.7 letters per line.
#cnr average was 28.4 letters per line.
navi wrote the shortest lines, averaging 13.0 characters per line.
HellFire was tight-lipped, too, averaging 13.3 characters.
Jayince spoke a total of 137052 words!
Jayince's faithful follower, bmuk, didn't speak so much: 119762 words.
Xentrified wrote an average of 66.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.39 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 $tell 9235 Bozi
2 around 8357 daria
3 slaps 8233 Bozi
4 large 6692 Bozi
5 about 5364 Core4405
6 players 5285 Core4405
7 stats 5277 daria
8 there 5150 tropp
9 server 4892 tropp
10 admin 4823 Bozi

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Bozi 71113 Bozi
2 marcx 53802 tropp
3 Gamer9 12562 Aizaz_Khan
4 Arya 10552 Bozi
5 bmuk 10101 Bozi

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 2786 Core4405
2 :( 2229 Webghost
3 :) 1756 tropp
4 D: 715 Core4405
5 :P 699 tropp
6 :/ 682 shuimm
7 ;) 390 tropp
8 ;D 332 trucker
9 ): 283 Bozi
10 :p 281 tropp

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://cbcnr.irc-lovers.net/ 33 tropp
2 http://www.cbcnrirc.club 27 Titty
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUb450Alpps 21 relax-machine
4 http://forums.crazybobs.net/viewforum.php?f=48 19 Jayince
5 http://forums.crazybobs.net/viewforum.php?f=16 19 TheKillaer

Other interesting numbers
John0877 wasn't very popular, getting kicked 16 times!
For example, like this:
     *** John877 was kicked by bmuk

bmuk seemed to be hated too: 14 kicks were received.
Jayince is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 46 people!
Jayince's faithful follower, dugi, kicked about 31 people.
bmuk donated 21 ops in the channel...
dugi was also very polite: 20 ops from him/her.
Core4405 is the channel sheriff with 14 deops.
bmuk deoped 10 users.
bmuk always lets us know what he/she's doing: 1841 actions!
For example, like this:
     * bmuk slaps banana_ghost around a bit with a large trout

Also, Skeeter tells us what's up with 1653 actions.
Perish talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 330 times!
Another lonely one was Muti, who managed to hit 301 times.
bmuk couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 2889 joins during this reporting period!
Yucky_B77 has quite a potty mouth. 8.0% words were foul language.
Spidey-Mens also makes sailors blush, 4.3% of the time.

Latest Topics
[ CrazyBob's Cops And Robbers ][ C2 VER 24.8 on SA-MP 0.3.7 ][ Donate to keep the servers running! ][ https://www.crazybobs.net/donate ][ /cnrradio - #cnr.radio ][ For server IPs: !ip ][ MOTD: 2024 ! ] 71 days ago at 19:48 by Bozi
The topic was set 337 times.
Total number of lines: 667367.